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Hempworx product line of CBD Gummies Coffee infused with CBD Hemp Shampoo and Hemp conditioner

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*** Please know that we respect and value the trust you place with us as a potential or returning customer and we will never sell or share your information... PERIOD.***

This product cannot legally be shipped to Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Rhode Island, and Utah. I agree not to ship this product to states, countries and territories where the product is not currently being sold or otherwise prohibited.


© 2022 - ShopCBDGlobal-  This is the site of MDC / HempWorx Affiliate: Grupo Playa Vista, ID# 114533294 

** Disclaimer**

FDA AND LEGAL DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Most work-place drug screens and tests target delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and do not detect the presence of Cannabidiol (CBD) or other legal natural hemp based constituents. Even though the products we promote contain less than .3% THC by dry weight (Federal Legal Limit), studies have shown that ingesting Full Spectrum CBD can cause confirmed positive results when screening urine and blood specimens. Accordingly, if you are subject to any form of employment drug testing or screening, we recommend (as does the United States Armed Services) that you DO NOT take CBD products. Before taking our products, consult with your healthcare practitioner, drug screening testing company or employer and see if they recommend a zero thc version of the cbd oil which is available for purchase. This website requires you to also be at least 18 years or older to promote our products and our system.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally-occurring constituent of the industrial hemp plant. Hemp Does Work does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act (US.CSA). The company does promote hemp based products. is owned by a MDC/HempWorx Independent Affiliate and not endorsed by MYDailyChoice, Inc. Any opinions expressed on this website are made by and the responsibility of the individual Affiliate and should not be construed as a representation of the opinion of MYDailyChoice, Inc. MyDailyChoice, Inc. Products are not intended to replace medications or eliminate the advice of a competent health care practitioner.

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